Monday, December 31, 2007

The wedding of Mike & Kerri...

This was a awesome wedding! I had a blast and everyone was soooo much fun!
These two are so sweet together! I see many happy and fun years ahead for these two!
I am on my way out for New Years...but as promised I would get a few picture's up before you are off on your Honeymoon! Speaking of moon...look below!! haha I had to censor that one! whooo hooo.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Don's Photo Calgary is having a Super Sale! 9 cent 4x6 prints!

I highly recommend these guys to my clients once they receive their digital files. From Dec 26th to Dec 29th your first 100 prints are only 9 cent's each! A super good deal and they do a great job. They are located at 1206 17th Avenue Calgary. Phone number is 244-3383. You can even upload your files from home :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Hmmmm. I wonder what's in this one??

Merry Christmas everyone!
I just wanted to thank everone for making this such a successful and fullfilling year! We had a blast and made some great friends along the way...
We are looking forward to the New Year!
We have some exciting new packages and albums that will be available as well as a website surprise and a chance to win something...I will keep you posted!

We will be closed until Dec 28th but I will be checking e-mails and messages.

Shelley & Jeff

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Merry Christmas to me!!!

I spoiled myself! hee heee
I just went and picked up a new lens... 85mm 1.4. Whoo hooo!
I have wanted it for a bit and it finally came in! Now I am just waiting on my D3. OK enough with the technical talk...For portrait's it is kick a**.
Here's a few picture's of Echo in my office. I had just picked her up from the groomers and she looked sooooo pretty I just had to try my new toy out! Excellent results!

If anyone is looking for a dog groomer you HAVE to use the Bandbox. They are located on 17th ave and my dog LOVES going there. Michele is a professional dog groomer and really knows her stuff. I highly recommend her and her staff!
(403) 245-2779

Matt and Megan..

I had a blast with these two!
This was the first time they had their picture's taken by a professional photographer and they were great! We had a ton of fun and they looked fabulous whatever they did. I may have to call these two out in the spring to have a fun shoot "for me" and drag them around the city to a couple of spot's I have been dying to try out.
Thanks for trusting me..the results were awesome!!!

Rachel & Tapan

Rachel is the sister of Lianne who's wedding we shot in October. We were so excited to hear that they were going to get married also! Here we did some engagement shot's for them...Rachel even had her henna done.
These two are so in love and they enjoy each other so was so fun to photograph them! You guys are perfect for each other and I wish I could be photographing your wedding in India...congrats to the both of you :)

A sad day.....

A couple of weeks ago we sadly had to put our furry child Kane down...he had a degenerative spinal disease and he was no longer able to get up. His antic's will be missed...he was always up to something. Good or bad.
This Christmas... hug and kiss your loved ones and don't forget what Christmas really is about and how much everyone means to you.
I am sure glad I have so many wonderful photo's of him to look back on..I am sure as time goes on it will get easier.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The cutoff date for all enlargements, cards and album prints is December 12th.
Anything after that date I cannot guarantee it will be ready before Christmas.
Thanks everyone for a fun and successful year!

GAP ad or what??

Kaila is such a little cutie..we had such a great family shoot but this is all I am going to show..hee hee!
I loved her outfit and when her attention span ran out we pulled out the lolly pop!
That's what I do...get them hopped up on sugar then send them home :)
I love the colors and I had so much fun, thanks guys !!!


It's hard to post picture's this time of year because so many of them are Christmas gift's...
I did get the go ahead with these one's though!
Brayden was such a great guy to photograph, he was always smiling and doing whatever I suggested ... I couldn't believe my luck!He could recreate a monster truck sound perfectly, I kept asking him to do it because it sounded so real! haha
He has got the most amazing eyelash's...that's what I want for Christmas...Hear that Jeff ???

Kids will be Kids!!

While we were doing a large family shoot we gave the kids a break and they had a great play in the leaves...I love how carefree kids are!!!
Doesn't it make you want to get in there??
