Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Arriving in Oahu! We got leid !

Well we made it! On two hours of sleep we stumbled our way to the airport. Thanks Kari-Ann for getting up so early to drive us!!! We were to excited to sleep on the plane so we were really in trouble when we arrived in Honolulu because they are 4 hours behind us! We hiked up Diamond head and saw the lost a few times while driving...Jeff said it was lack of sleep! YEAH RIGHT...Took some pictures, tried shaved ice for the first time...watched some windsurfers and then managed to get to the ship on time...I think they thought we were mental because it was now 1 am our time so in the last 48 hours we had only two hours sleep...we stumbled onto the ship, unpacked....ate a quick bite and slept like babies!
